What to leave out?

Early goldfields house made from wood, iron and hessian

At this point in my new manuscript the problem is not what to add, but what to leave out?

The story of Clara Saunders now has a shape that I can work within. But there are so many ways to tell the story of 14 year-old Clara and her adventures as a pioneer woman in the goldfields, and later the wheat belt, of Western Australia that I have struggled to narrow it down. There is probably more than one book here. I don’t want to be distracted from writing the one I have in mind. But it probably helps to think of the possibility of using other, completely different,  approaches to this story. Hopefully, that way I will avoid the temptation to cram in too much material. I need to maintain a pace that suits Clara’s lively, energetic and determined approach to life, in spite of everything she encounters in the frontier town of Coolgardie in 1893.

Getting close to a readable draft now. Fingers crossed.

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